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Ja1hny998 - Volunteer English Teacher
Envoyer un message à Ja1hny998
  • Ville: Fort Dauphin
  • Région: Anosy
  • Pays: Madagascar
  • Nationalité: Malgache
  • Ethnicité: Noir / Africain
  • Dernière visite: En ligne il y a 6j
À propos de Ja1hny998:

My name is VOLAMANAKAHIRA Jeannickiln but everyone calls me Jahny, I am from MADAGASCAR and I dwell in a beautiful city that is called Fort dauphin, I am 25 years old
I am very passionate about communicating with different people from different countries as it helps me out with my communication skills and also knowing more about how to Interact with someone
I have got only a high school diploma however I have got a burning desire to learn new things in order to have more skills and more experiences to help me out connecting with everyone all over the world as well as get a job in overseas
working for a company or a reputed company abroad is one of my dreams and the reasons why I learned english

I have been performing a volunteer jobs as an english teacher and also an assistant coordinator since the year of 2020 so far so since then teaching has been the only way for me to enhance my communication skills so now I am trying to get a job and finding ways to travel to other countries for study or work if there will be chances for me to have that . In addition to that I am hardworking and also a teamwork

  • Passe-temps: reading, games, walking, football
  • Intérêts: Community involvement , Learning languages , Photography, Travel, Sports, Listening to music, Volunteering
  • Quelles qualités recherchez vous chez un partenaire? Honesty, Emotional stability , Kindness, Respect, Affection , Comfort with self, Independence
  • Comment définiriez-vous votre personnalité en un seul mot? Intelligent
  • Comment définiriez-vous votre style vestimentaire en un seul mot? Simple style
  • À quelle école ou université avez-vous étudié? High school
  • Quelles études avez-vous faites? Literature
  • Quelles sont vos plus grandes qualités? Honest, Creative, Confident, Respectful, Socially aware, Resilience, Courage , Trustworthy, Hardworking, Integrity
  • Est-ce que vous consommez de l'alcool? À l'occasion/Socialement
  • Vous avez un animal de compagnie? Yes ,I do I have a cat
  • Musique favorite: Alternative, Classique, Country, Hip Hop, Musique francaise, Reggae, Rap
  • Films favoris: Romantic, Horror , Science fiction , History , Actions
  • Livres favoris: Bible, Animal farm, Fone and flora, Australia
  • Voyages que vous désirez faire: America, France, China, London
  • Émissions TV favorites: Outer banks, Arcane , Squid game, Heartstopper
  • Mets favoris: Pizza, Vegetables , Chicken , Tacos , Hot dogs, Fried chicken, Chicken fried steak , Steak, Rice
  • Sports que vous pratiquez: Soccer, Basketball , Swimming , Jogging
  • Sports que vous regardez: Football
  • Quels sont vos pires défauts? Too self-motivated, Goal oriented , Problem solving, Working under pressure
  • Est-ce que vous déménageriez par amour? Oui, peu importe le pays

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L'entrevue de Ja1hny998
Que faites-vous dans la vie et qu'aimeriez-vous faire plus tard?
Nowadays I am job hunting however I am a volunteer english teacher and I try to get a job especially in a reputed

Que préférez-vous chez un homme ou une femme?
In a woman I prefer if they are just honest with me

Qu'aimeriez-vous faire lors d'une toute première rencontre?
I would love to know more about the lady that iwill date with,, for instance, what she likes or dislikes in order to give respects

Si vous deviez échouer sur une île déserte, quels sont les 3 objets que vous aimeriez avoir en votre possession?
If I was stranded on a desert Island ,I would like to have enough bottle of water and also fire and tent to stay

Quelles sont vos plus grandes qualités?
These are my greatest qualities
-I have he ability to multitask
- I am Effectively work in highly pressurized situations
-I pay Attention to details when I work
-I am self-motivated
- I am an initiative taker
-I am a teamwork
-I am honest

Quels sont vos pires défauts?
These are my flaws
-I am Too self-motivated because I think about the future too much so it sometimes prevents me from focusing more on other things

Qu'aimez vous comme qualité ou atout chez un homme/une femme?
I like a woman who is honest and can understand me or the circumstances we go through together

Que n'aimez-vous pas chez un homme/une femme?
I do not like an hypothetical person who does not tell me the truth

Quel est votre plus grand rêve?
My biggest dream is to work in a reputed company in overseas in order for me to have the possibility to help others such as family or friends or anybody who may need helps

Qu'est-ce que l'amour pour vous?
According to my understanding, olive is a quality or a feeling of strong affection for someone and dedication to others

Si vous étiez président/premier-ministre de votre pays, que feriez vous?
I have

Êtes-vous fan d'une quelconque vedette de musique, cinéma ou autre?
Yes I am

Qu'est-ce qui est le plus important pour vous dans la vie?
For me,, doing what you love is more important than anything else as love is the key to change my life

Quel est votre animal favori?
I like different kinds of animals but cat is my favourite one

Si vous pouviez partir demain pour n'importe quel endroit dans le monde, où iriez-vous et pourquoi?
If I could go anywhere in the world tomorrow,,I would go to america to visit as It has been one of my dreams to go there either for world or study and not only that but also I really like that country

Que faites-vous de vos temps libres?
In fact I don't really have much thing to do in my free time but I always help my family and read books and also I like to spend time with friends,,especially hanging out with them

Si vous gagniez un million à la loterie, que feriez-vous avec vos gains?
If I won a million in the lottery,, I would keep on my study and support my families in order for ti have the necessary skills and qualifications
to create and launch a company or project to help people get rid of an unemployment and find a sustained solution to overcome poverty

Si on vous donnait la possibilité d'être qui vous voulez, qui choisiriez-vous et pourquoi?
If I was given the chance to be anyone I wanted, I would choose my self and I because this is me and I really appreciate the way I am and all I have as well

Qu'est-ce que l'amitié pour vous?
For me friendship is a close relationship between two or more people who care about and support one another

Si vous pouviez peindre n'importe quel endroit ou paysage que vous avez vu, que peindriez-vous?
I would paint my wall

Quelles seraient les chansons sur la trame sonore de votre vie?
Slow songs would be on the sound

Si vous étiez perdu dans le désert, qui aimeriez-vous avoir comme compagnon/compagne avec vous?
If I was lost in the desert, my best Male friend is the one who I would like to have as a companion as we always treat as brothers and have our back each other and also we encourage each other when one of us go through a rough situations

Quelle est la dernière expérience que vous avez vécue qui vous a rendu plus fort(e)?
Comprehending the volume of confidence is the last experience I had as t really made me stronger

Quelle est votre citation favorite?
This is my favorite quote
I do the very best I know how,the very best I can, and I mean to keep on doing so until the end

Si vous écriviez un livre, ce serait à propos de quoi?
If I aw to write a book,,I would be about my life story

Préféreriez-vous être un oiseau ou un poisson, et pourquoi?
If I could choose, I would rather be a bird because I really like to know what is going on all of over the world and not only that but also a bird can fly and use its wings to travel everywhere they want

Quel a été votre plus grand défi dans la vie?
Finding a job relevant to my qualifications has been my biggest challenge in life as I have been trying to figure out about how to get one and giving all my best to find one either in my country or in abroad

Quelle est la dernière expérience que vous avez vécue qui vous a fait rire?
The last experience I had that made me laugh was having a kind of public speakinig in front of my friends and my classmates

Qu'est-ce qui est le plus important selon vous, les études ou l'expérience de vie?
It is very interesting,think both are more important as they are complementary,,we all know that it's nothing even if we are educated but we haven't experienced anything in life and also no experience can be gained if we do not know how to use the education that we have

Si vous pouviez retourner dans le passé, à quelle date retourneriez-vous et pourquoi?
If could go back in time ,the year of 2022 is the date I would go back to as it was my first time to have a biggest opportunity to travel to different countries because I was approved to work onboard or a cruise ship but I missed it because I didn't have the amount of money required to prepare all the documents that I needed

Quel est votre plus beau souvenir?
Understanding g the value of being a volunteer is my best memory as It has changed my life and also helped me understand why we need to do a volunteer job

S'il y a quoi que ce soit que vous pouviez changer dans votre vie, qu'est-ce que ce serait?
If I could change anything about my life I would be my financial situation that

Quel titre donneriez-vous à une biographie sur votre vie?
Jahny smith

Qu'aimeriez-vous dire aux personnes qui visitent votre profil?
If people visit my profile ,I would like to welcome the with open arms and saying this is Jahny thanks for visiting my profile and don't hesitate to reach out to me just in case you might be interested in contacting me

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